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How to Keep Your Diamond Ring Looking Brand New

I’m often asked, “what can I do to keep my diamond ring looking brand new?”. Maintenance is a twofold exercise which I often liken to proper dental hygiene: regular cleaning and annual check-ups.

Oil is the biggest enemy of diamond luster. Whether it’s naturally produced by the body, rubbed off while cooking, or applied in the form of body lotions to combat dry skin. Once oil or grease adheres to a diamond’s surface, it accumulates and prevents light from entering and exiting, depriving it of its brilliance. A gentle scrub with some warm water and soap can help solve the issue, but there are a few other methods that one should undertake. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) published a great article, which highlights these steps:

It should go without saying, to men and woman alike, do not wear your ring while exercising, weightlifting, moving boxes, or even washing dishes. Avoiding the last activity will save you the added heartache of hearing the clank of a disposal grinding away at one of your most valued and sentimental possessions. Your gold or platinum rings and bands are tough and resistant to abrasion, but they can buckle under heavy pressure. Although diamonds can withstand extreme amounts of pressure, they are vulnerable to shock, especially at their weakest points- corners, girdles, and culets.

An annual visit to the jeweler’s for a polish is always recommended. People’s bodies change over time, and having your ring resized or inspected for wear-and-tear will provide you much piece of mind. Best of all, you can also leave the doctor’s office with a shiny piece of “eye candy”.